User Management
This document walks through some basic account and user management functions which are available to you on the Management page of your dashboard. You can find a brief video covering some of this functionality directly below, along with a more in-depth guide in the following text.
Games are the core organizational unit in the Gamesight Console. A Game contains a plethora of related details including Events, Goals, Teams, Settings, and more.

Each user can have access to many different games. To view these users, simply click on the User Management option as seen in the above screen shot.
Game User Management
Games have their own unique member list allowing you to control a User's permissions on a per-game basis.
Clicking on User Management for a game will show you all of the users who currently have access to your game, their roles, and the teams they are a member of.

Clicking on a user's roles will bring you to a permissions management form where you can control the user's game-level permissions.

You will also notice that the User Management page shows the list of Teams (Team Access) that a user is in. The team concept and its benefits are described in detail below.
Each Game is divided into multiple distinct Teams. A Team is a set of Users that all share access to the same Trackers and Reporting. This additional organizational layer allows you to control access to sensitive campaign data across different portions of your company.
The concept of Teams is also provided as an additional organizational tool to help you granularly control data access. A common team structure could be something like this.
Team Name | Purpose | Team Members |
Marketing US | Hold campaigns being run by your internal US marketing team | US Marketing Team |
Marketing EU | Hold campaigns being run by your internal EU marketing team | EU Marketing Team |
Agency A | Holds campaigns being run by Agency A - hired by US Marketing team to run programmatic display ad buys. By creating a separate team for Agency A we can ensure that the US Marketing Team can monitor campaign performance without granting Agency A employees to any other campaign data. | Agency A Employees, US Marketing Team |
Developers | Holds test campaigns used by the Dev/QA teams to ensure the integration is working as intended. Separated from the rest of your campaigns so Developers don't get access to live campaign data. Also keeps test data out of the live campaign reports. | Internal Development Team |
From your Settings page, click 'User Management' under the Team column to view members that have access to a specific team.
Creating Teams
You can also create a new Team by clicking the blue "+Team" button shown in the screenshot below. Whether you have Global UA teams running ads, or you're working with third-party agencies, creating separate teams in Gamesight will allow you to separate marketing teams for cleaner reporting and enable simultaneous marketing efforts for your game.

Working with an Agency or Global UA Teams?
We highly recommend creating additional teams for any of your global colleagues/teams or agencies who will need to set up their own unique trackers and link additional ad accounts to Gamesight. You can create as many teams as necessary by repeating the above instructions.
Team Switcher
In the top left corner of the page you will find a team switcher that lets you change the Game and Team that you are currently using for viewing trackers and reports.

Team Selection
Play close attention to the currently selected team in the Team Switcher to ensure you get the reports you are expecting.
Inviting Users
From your dashboard, you can quickly invite users by clicking 'Settings' on the left-hand side of the navigation, followed by clicking 'User Management' below your Organization or Team. Next, you will see the Add Users to Org option at the top right-hand side of the page which you can click to open the following invite menu.

Once you have clicked on the Add Users to Org option, you will have the following modal appear on-screen where you can invite your team members.

Referencing the menu above, you would simply need to enter the user's email address (or multiple email addresses) - be sure to press the add (+) button! - and click 'Next'.
Now you will be asked to assign a Role to the user(s) being added, as well as choosing which Games and Game Roles the user(s) should have access to

User Permissions
Gamesight has a robust permissions system which enables you to ensure that everyone within your Organization has the correct permissions assigned to their user access:
Organization Roles
Org Admin - Org Admins have full permissions across every Game and Team that exist under the account. This role should be carefully assigned to individuals who will be managing account-wide permissions for all Games and Teams.
Org Member - This user can view basic organization details and invite additional users to the specific organization.
Org Viewer - This user can view basic organization details only.
Game Roles
Game Admin - This user can access game settings, user management, and has full admin access to all teams within a specific game. Game Admins will have administrative permissions over Game and Team Management under a specific game.
Game Integrator - The user can view technical game integration details, Web SDK and Measurement API keys, and the Event Monitor. This role is commonly given to Developers and technical team members managing your game's integration.
Game Analyst - The user can view game analytics (behavior reporting, unattributed goals, user level reporting). This role is commonly given to Analysts, Executives, Global marketing teams, and other internal stakeholders that need access to the complete picture of your game's performance.
Game Member - This user can view basic game details and invite other users to the specific game.
Billing Contact - This user is selected as the direct Billing Contact who should receive billing information for the game.
Team Roles
Team Admin - This user can access Team settings and User Management.
Team Member - This user can view basic team details, create campaigns/trackers, run reports, view team members, and invite new team members.
Team Viewer - This user can view basic game details, marketing, and influencer analytics reporting. This is a read only role that is commonly given to users that need access to reporting data, but not to manage marketing campaigns.
Removing Users
You can quickly remove users from Teams, Games and your Org if necessary. To do this, click Settings on your dashboard and use the appropriate User Management option below Org, Game or Team to view all users within that category.
Next, you can click directly on a user's role in order to view available options (including removing the user).

Updated 10 days ago