Snapchat Ads

This document covers the steps required to track conversion data from Snapchat using Gamesight. Using your Gamesight tracker with Snapchat will allow you to measure conversions and clicks in your Gamesight dashboard and reporting. Gamesight and Snapchat have a server-to-server integration using Snapchat's Conversion API that allows you to optionally pass back conversion data to Snapchat for further campaign optimization.

Creating your Tracker

Once you are logged into your Gamesight account, you can click Trackers (under "Measurement") on the left-hand side of the page to access your trackers. Once you are on your tracker page, you can click the Create option to create a new tracker.

After clicking Create, you can then search for the Snapchat integration option by typing 'Snapchat' into the search field, or by clicking the appropriate category (Social) as shown below.

Click on the Snapchat option and then click the "Use Snapchat" button to create your tracker.


Link your Snapchat Ads Account to Gamesight

To link your Snapchat Ads account to Gamesight, click the blue "Authorize with Snapchat" button shown below. You will now be guided through an account linking process to link your Snapchat Ads account to Gamesight. Be sure to select the Snapchat Ads Account that you will be running your campaigns through.


Once the account linking process in Snapchat is authorized, you will be taken back to your Snapchat Tracker on Gamesight. Simply use the Advertiser ID and Pixel Id drop-downs shown below to select your Snapchat Ads Account and Snapchat Pixel.


Click URL

Now that your tracker is created, copy the Click URL. It should be of the following form:{{}}&campaign_name={{}}&ad_group={{}}&ad_group_name={{}}&ad={{}}&ad_name={{}}&creative={{}}


Just use the Network Tracker!

You do not need to proceed to the Campaign / Ad Group / Ad levels of the tracker creation for the Snapchat Ads integration. Simply copy your full Network-level Click URL and use it as the Destination URL for your placements. Gamesight will automatically mirror the Campaign structure that you set up in your Snapchat Ads account.

Place your Click URL, referenced above, in the Website URL field of the Ad Details section of your Snapchat Ad's setup as shown below.


Postback Configuration

If you would like to send conversion data back to Snapchat Ads you can do so using our Postback Management tooling.


Simply select your Goal Trigger, Snapchat Pixel and the Event Type and Gamesight will begin sending those conversion events attributed to Snapchat back to your Snap Pixel.

Additional (optional) Conversion Parameters (Number of Items, Item Category and Item IDs) are able to be included with your postbacks to Snapchat. Please view Snapchat's documentation for formatting guidelines on these additional fields here.

Multiple Landing Pages

Since Gamesight uses a single tracking link for all of your Snapchat campaigns, it isn't possible to use the normal tracker management tools to control the landing pages for your campaigns. If you want to direct users to different landing pages you will need to use the destination_url parameter on your tracking link to control the page.

For example, if you wanted to override the landing page for your ad to direct to Google, you would append the URL to the end of your link as shown in the example below.{{}}&campaign_name={{}}&ad_group={{}}&ad_group_name={{}}&ad={{}}&ad_name={{}}&creative={{}}&destination_url=

You can read more about using the destination_url parameter in our URL Parameters & Macros guide.

Snapchat Ads Conversions

Conversions will have a small delay before appearing in the Offline Events tracking on your Snapchat Events Manager. If after a couple of hours you still aren't seeing successful Snapchat Ads conversion uploads, please contact support.

Additional Match IDs for Postbacks

Gamesight supports multiple additional matching methods into the Snap Pixel. These can be helpful for increasing match rate, or to send unattributed/organic installs back to your Snap Pixel.

Snapchat Browser ID Sync (Optional)

If you would like to potentially increase your match rates in Snapchat, you can set up a landing page where both the Snap Pixel and Gamesight Web SDK are placed.

Here is an example of the completed integration code:

/* Including the Snap Pixel snippet */
(function(e,t,n){if(e.snaptr)return;var a=e.snaptr=function()
a.queue=[];var s='script';r=t.createElement(s);r.async=!0;
r.src=n;var u=t.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
/* Including the Gamesight Web SDK snippet */
(G.gsght.q=G.gsght.q||[]).push(arguments)},G.gsght.q=[],G.gsght.h=1*new Date();

/* Configuring both the Gamesight Web SDK and Snap Pixel */
gsght('init', 'GS_WEB_SDK_ID_HERE', 'web');
gsght('set', 'sc_enabled', true);

snaptr('init', 'SNAP_PIXEL_ID_HERE');
snaptr('track', 'PAGE_VIEW');

In the integration code above, please be sure to replace the following two placeholders with actual data:

  1. Replace GS_WEB_SDK_ID_HERE with your **Gamesight Web SDK ID**.
  2. Replace SNAP_PIXEL_ID_HERE with your Snap Pixel ID.

Once this code is placed on your landing or marketing page, ensure all of your Snapchat ads drive traffic to this page. This should increase the match rates that you are seeing in Snapchat.

Email Matching (Optional)

Additionally, you can pass hashed email data as an external ID with your event integration to enable email matching on conversion uploads into Snapchat. Below is an example making this association in the Measurement API.

curl \
    -X POST \
    -H 'Authorization: SOMEAPIKEYHERE' \
    -H 'X-Api-Version: 1.1.0' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d "$(cat <<-EOF
    "user_id": "b91f8k5r",
    "type": "game_launch",
    "ip": "",
    "external_ids": [
              "external_id_type": "email",
              "external_id": "f1904cf1a9d73a55fa5de0ac823c4403ded71afd4c3248d00bdcd0866552bb79",
              "sha256": "client"
  • Note that the external ID association only needs to be made once - it is not a requirement that you pass the email with every event.
  • The email format must be SHA256 hash of the email, lowercase and trimming whitespace.
  • If you would prefer to send unhashed emails you can use "sha256": "server" to request email hashing.