Reporting Metrics
Gamesight's reporting UI offers many different metrics that you can easily view in any of your reporting dashboards through Gamesight Console. This dictionary lists all of the features and metrics available on the Display tab of the UI's reporting pages and their definitions.
- Team - Group report by Teams
- Network - Group report by Ad Network
- Campaign - Group report by Campaign
- Ad Group - Group report by Ad Group
- Ad - Group report by Ad
- User ID - Group report by attributed User ID
- Country - Group report by Geo (player's country)
- Browser - Group report by the Touchpoint's browser
- Platform - Group report by the Event's Platform (Steam, Xbox, PS, etc.)
- Touchpoint Type - Group report by the touchpoint's "type" (clicks/impressions, click-through v.s. view-through)
- Ad TypeGroup by the Ad Type (Video, SEM, Banner, etc.)
- Placement - Group by ad location (Sidebar, Top, Feed, Position 3, etc.)
- Keyword - Group by Keyword(s) for SEM campaigns
- Creative - Group by Creative ID (Ad for most platforms is a combination of Creative+Placement+Targeting)
- Site ID - Group by Site ID (for ad networks, such as publisher breakout for CM360)
- Sub Site ID - Group by Sub Site ID (eg. for ad networks)
- Touchpoint OS - Group by Touchpoint's Operating System (iOS, Windows, etc.)
- Touchpoint Device - Group by Device's brand (Apple, Samsung, Sony, etc.)
- Date - Group by the Date (Date that the Impression, Click, or Goal Trigger occurred)
- Sub ID 1-10 - Group report by sub IDs (metadata appended to Events)
- Impressions - Total number of Impressions
- Unique Impressions - Total number of Impressions (duplicates excluded)
- Clicks - Total number of Clicks
- Unique Clicks - Total number of Clicks (duplicates excluded)
- Click Through Rate - Ratio of Clicks to Impressions (% of Impressions that lead to Clicks)
- Network Goals - Aggregate Goal data reported by ad network (data that is self-reported by ad networks, not directly measured by Gamesight)
- Goals - Triggered Goals (Goals you have manually created in Gamesight for measurement/attribution)
- Goal Rates - Percentage of Clicks that lead to Goal triggers
- Goal Unique Users - Number of unique users who triggered Goals attributed to a Tracker
- Goal Assists - Goal Triggers which have been assisted by a Tracker (more on Assists here)
- Goal Contributions - Goal Triggers which have been contributed by this Tracker (more on Contributions here)
- Cost Amount - Total Cost for the Ads measured by a Tracker
- Total Goal Revenue - Total Revenue for the Goals attributed to a Tracker
- Revenue by Goal - Revenue broken out by Goal for Goals attributed to a Tracker
- Cost Per Goal - Cost broken out by Goal for Goals attributed to a Tracker
- Modeled Goals - Alternate attribution modeling for Goals (First Touch, Last Touch, Linear, Position Based, and Time Decay)
- ROAS - Calculated Return On Ad Spend
- Time to Conversion - Time elapsed between a user's Touchpoint (click/impression) and a Conversion (eg. game launch/purchase)
Steam UTM Data
The Steam UTM Analytics metrics below are integration dependent and optional.
- Steam Total Visits
- Steam Tracked Visits
- Steam Wishlists
- Steam Purchases
- Steam Activations
Updated 5 months ago