Additional Events
As described in the Marketing Analytics introduction article, Gamesight can record multiple events from your game or web properties. Additional events can be used to track actions such as player progress in-game, in-game currency purchases, or activity on your game's marketing website.
Setting up custom events is easy! The examples shown in this article provide templates for some of our most common use cases. We also have more detailed flows outlined in the Use Case guides.
For advanced setups please feel free to contact us and we can guide you through the integration process to ensure you can track all of your Goals. Once you have your events instrumented, review the Configuring Goals documentation for details on how to setup attribution on your new Goal data.
Example: Tutorial Completion
For the case of Tutorial Completion, we are trying to measure an event that occurs exactly once for a user. For this event measurement, all you need to do is send an event to the Measurement API when a user completes the tutorial. For this example we will call the event tutorial_complete
# Send the custom event to the Marketing API for the current user completing the tutorial
curl \
-H 'Authorization: SOMEAPIKEYHERE' \
-H 'X-Api-Version: 1.1.0' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d "$(cat <<-EOF
"user_id": "b91f8k5r",
"type": "tutorial_complete",
"identifiers": {
"resolution": "1920x1080",
"os": "Windows 10"
Once you have confirmed that the new event is firing correctly, we can configure a "Tutorial Complete" Goal through the Gamesight Console. We'll want to setup our Goal with the following properties:
Name: Tutorial Complete
Once Per User: Yes
Trigger(s): tutorial_complete
, only on first event, no re-trigger time
Example: In-Game Purchase
For the case of In-Game Purchase, we are trying to measure an event that occurs multiple times for a single user. For this event measurement, all you need to do is send an event to the Measurement API every time a user completes a purchase. For this example we will call the event purchase
Note that we include revenue data in this event which enables revenue values in your reporting and postbacks. You can read more about revenue reporting in our Reference Docs.
# Send the custom event to the Marketing API for a completed purchase
curl \
-H 'Authorization: SOMEAPIKEYHERE' \
-H 'X-Api-Version: 1.1.0' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d "$(cat <<-EOF
"user_id": "b91f8k5r",
"type": "purchase",
"revenue_currency": "usd",
"revenue_amount": 5.00,
"revenue_type": "cumulative",
"identifiers": {
"resolution": "1920x1080",
"os": "Windows 10"
Once you have confirmed that the new event is firing correctly, we can configure a "Purchase" Goal through the Gamesight Console. We'll want to setup our Goal with the following properties:
Name: Purchase
Once Per User: No
Trigger(s): purchase
, on any event, no re-trigger time
Example: Email List Signup
For the case of Email List Signup, we are trying to measure an event that occurs on the marketing site for our game. For this event measurement we are going to utilize the Web Measurement SDK.
gsght('send', 'email_list_signup')
Once you have confirmed that the new event is firing correctly, we can configure a "Purchase" Goal through the Gamesight Console. We'll want to setup our Goal with the following properties:
Name: Email List Signup
Once Per User: Yes
Trigger(s): email_list_signup
, on any event, no re-trigger time
For more information, or help integrating Gamesight, contact us through live chat (on the right side of the page) or email us at [email protected]
Updated 19 days ago