Live Dashboard
The Live Dashboard is a reporting page that lets you monitor your Event data in real time. This can be useful to confirm your integrations are working correctly, observe trends in player behavior, and monitor behavior around launches or new campaigns.
To access the Live Dashboard click on Measurement > Live on the Gamesight Console. Note that you will need to have the Game Analyst role on your account to access this feature.
Event Monitor
One of the most valuable pages when working on an integration is the Live Dashboard's event monitor which will show you a real-time feed of Events, the Goals triggered by your events, and basic attribution data. You can access this feature by pressing Event Monitor on the Live Dashboard.
You can use the Filters and Display tabs on the left to control which columns are displayed and search for specific events. Note that the Event Monitor will only search the latest 1,000 events that have been posted to Gamesight.
Updated 5 months ago