August 2023

  • πŸš€ Lifetime Goals in Reports - Have you ever wondered how many lifetime tutorial completes or purchases were made by a player cohort? Wonder no longer! When running LTV reports, you can now pull each cohort's lifetime goal counts, in addition to revenue.

  • πŸš€ Names in S3 Exports - Our S3 Data Delivery pipelines have been upgraded to include human friendly Campaign, Ad Group, Ad, etc names! If you have an existing delivery pipeline, contact your account manager to get names added to your feed.

  • πŸš€ Docs Translation - Our documentation can now be viewed in Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and French! Simply use the language selector in the top right of the page.

  • ✨ Snap integration - Our Snapchat postback integration has been revised to allow for additional matching parameters to improve match rates and optimization while running Snap campaigns. Check out the linked documentation for more details.

  • ✨ StackAdapt integration - We added a new integration with StackAdapt enabling both conversion postbacks and automated cost aggregation!