January 2024

  • 🚀 Manual Cost Upload- With Manual cost uploads you can fill in the gaps in their cost reporting by simply uploading a CSV report containing the relevant data from their ad partners. Works great for tracking costs on influencer spends as well!
  • 🚀 Tracker Type Controls- New settings on Trackers enable you to select which touchpoint measurement solution you want to simplify tagging. Choose between Direct tagging, Automatic Click Measurement, and working with an ad server such as Google CM360 to ensure accurate tagging without needing to manually adjust tags.
  • ✨S3 Data Export Extension- We have made a number of improvements to our S3 Data Export Reports to improve the overall flexibility and stability of the system, enabling you to get even more value from your measurement data. We can now support hourly data delivery, more partition structures, and more on top of increased performance and reliability.